Thursday, December 2, 2010

Runaway Bride

When I put thing in my own hands, I fill them up to the brim
All with the confidence that I am woman,
Capable of doing anything I set my mind to
And that, I am without a doubt.
For that moment, I enjoy having this load on my shoulder
Super woman, don’t mess!
A whirlwind to reckon with, a force over earth,
That strides in opulence, zing, power and stamina
But then the world becomes heavy,
A sharp excruciating pain flows down my shoulder blades
To the peak of my fingernails
A thin streak of sweat makes its way down my face,
As my legs wobble in a mzungu dance manner
And my feet burn in unfathomable discomfort
As I search for balance.
A knock on the door, and that’s enough
To make me want to collapse into muddled on the floor.
But stand I must, an image to protect a face to hold.
And you knock again!
Thank God it’s You, that you can pass through the key hole when I say come in
That you love me even when I’m haggard and done for,
When I’m weak, when I am exposed.
That You give me rest, that You are tranquility.
That though a lot I can’t muster; You remind me that You are Master of the plan
You got it all in your hands; all I got to do is walk, in your light.
A woman after you, Is all a Woman I can be, is all You need me to be
The rest….
… just but my story!
Us’konde 2010