Friday, October 8, 2010

Sunset at Sunrise

The eastern ball rises before matatus unleash their vuvuzelas,
Promising warmth and cheerfulness,
Delight and gratitude,
Just to be dimmed by city madness,
Egotism and voracity

Comes in petite doses,
Moves swiftly through and through,
Overflows the vessels, then gushes out in torrents,
Leaving dizzy spells, weak joints
And an awful feeling of regurgitation.

Sings a serenade,
Calming the nerves and exciting the heart
Then resonates into discord thuds and gongs,
That overworks the muscles
Short of causing a heart attack.

Dances in a foxtrot,
Gliding gaily across the ballroom
Then comes in to a sudden halt
Causing a domino effect,
Falling all the standing.

Smiles with puppy eyes,
Giving rays of hope, despite the distance and difference
Then chameleons into an intimidating frown,
Killing new growth, spreading gloom,

Its sunset at sunrise, never lights up,
Never buds,
Never hopeful, will never know
The beauty of it all, as it blossoms as it grows.

Sherae 2010

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