Failing to plan
is planning to fail,
They say.
Yet we all plan out our lives,
Put some prayers
to it
And boldly step
To conquer what
comes your way.
Things work,
Everything falls
into place,
Each piece of
the jigsaw
Completes the
picture you envisioned
And you thank
God for that.
Life showers you
with good-tidings,
A golden touch
you have.
The dream
And your vision
is almost tangible.
We look and
At your
persistence,Courage, strength
And the charisma
you posses.
Facing the
storms ,
when feeble ones
would sit it out.
Preparing for
battle when its easier to retreat.
You soldier on
through sun and rain.
You lift out
spirits you help us stand.
If not by words,
by the full life you live
In-spite and
despite the storms within.
I salute you my
You are one
tough cookie.
When your
energies are sapped
And your vision
is blurred,
You are growing
And the tower is
I still believe
in you.
I know you are
tough inside out.
Life has handed
you a different card now
That doesn’t
mean the game is over.
It just means
its time to recollect
reorganize, maybe rejuvenate.
Time to sit back
and ride on our energies.
Count on us as
you figure yourself out.
Time to plan out
your next flight mighty Eagle.
Though your wing
is bruised, its not broken,
Its only for
now. It will heal.
So don’t get
comfortable with the chickens,
You are truly
Work on your
vision as you rest.
Take a deep
breath and expand your lungs.
There are
greater sights above the clouds my friend.
You will need
all you got when soar that high.
So take heart.